cloth diapers

Seattle is such a great place to live for so many reasons. I was reminded of this yet again when Danika and I started discussing diapers. I wanted to use cloth diapers (mostly for avoid the environmental impact disposables would cause, not to mention not wanting to pay more for getting a bigger garbage can, not to mention cloth diapers are cheaper). Danika was a bit reluctant based on her experience with cloth diapers and her younger siblings. After doing some research she agreed to give it a try since there is no more need for pins and Seattle has two diaper services to choose from. I'm not sure I would have been so pro cloth diapers if I was the one who had to clean them, but since we live in Seattle, we can choose from two services and I was all for it.

We decided to use disposables until Graham's cord fell off. Well, Graham's cord fell off, so we called the service and asked for them to deliver the first bag of diapers. They arrived Monday and today we started using them. It is going to take a bit of training (just like the disposables did, for me at least), -- learning the folds, attaching the "snappies", applying the covers -- but I think they will work out great. Best of all no cleaning, just throw them in the pail (which the service provided) and put the bag out once a week. Each week they pick up the dirty diapers and drop off another bag of clean ones.

Cloth Diapers
Diapers and a cover.